Tuesday, May 4, 2010

sci fi movie example for the students!

As the semester draws to a close in science fiction seminar, I decided that it was time that the students wrote creatively with a different kind of media. I have been helping the students to write the start of novels, short stories, and poetry, but realized that it is really had to make a living these days as a novelist or poet. Therefore I think that it is necessary to also teach the literacy of a 21st century writer. That being the said I decided to have my science fiction students create a story on some of the technology that they have been researching in my class. We have been looking at the singularity theory, when artificial intelligence will surpass the human brain by being able to access the web and communicate with what is around them. We have also been studying robots that learn to adapt to their environment and learn from their surroundings. If you want to learn more about what the singularity is, check out this video, or read more from Ray Kurzweil in his book, When Humans Transcend Biology. The students were supposed to take one of the themes mentioned in class and show mastery of it by using it creatively in a story. I decided that we would use imovie for this story in order to demonstrate the students ability to tell a story through technology.

The following movie is my example for the class of what they could do with imovie and the amazing things that they could create.